The Channel View Hotel
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EH
Hotel History
Channel View has been a hotel for over 100 years since around the time Queen Victoria made the Island popular. Originally 3 separate houses gradually joined together. Our records tell us that Mr & Mrs Parsons were the proprietors in the early 1900’s at which time they served 3 meals a day plus high tea if required. Much of the produce they served was home grown. Both they and their daughters were fearlessly competitive in the local horticultural society exhibiting sweet peas and chrysanthemums.
In the introduction to the hotel brochure for 1935 it states ;
‘Mrs Parsons and Daughters do their best to make each visitor’s stay at “Channel View” happy and comfortable. Every request regards Cuisine and
Amusements is given personal attention.’
“Special Easter and Whitsuntide Festivities”
Christmas and New Year Revelries
During the 2nd world war Channel View was owned by Mr Tolton. The hotel was used as a billet for the troops and after war he ran it as a successful hotel. His background was in engineering and he was responsible for converting part of the hotel into the locally famous Phoenix Bar. This is the area where our swimming pool is.
Big John & Betty Tiedman purchased the business from Mr Tolton in the fifties. They and their son John and daughter-in-law Mandy continued to run the hotel until we purchased it in 1985.
When as they say the rest is history